Breaking News: It is possible to exercise without pursuing weight loss!

It seems both obvious and absolutely radical to say this. And I don't think I am the first person to say it. But even if 6,000 people repost this, it still will not be enough to counter the messages we see all day, every single day. 


Some of my clients admit that they had to stop going to the gym or their workout classes because they felt like it was harmful to their healing process.  This made me feel really sad and annoyed. 

In the midst of my disordered eating, movement felt like a safe haven. I believe it would have taken me so much longer to accept my body without the movement practice that I maintained. That being said, I understand how separating exercise from weight loss can feel impossible. 

Exercise does not need to be for weight loss. 

Exercise can INCREASE your energy. It sounds like a complete lie because after a workout we can feel totally drained, but there is some truth to this. Many of my clients report increased energy after they create a regular exercise routine. It could be because they are getting their heart rate up or that their posture at work is improving. Whatever the reason, exercise could boost your energy!

You can exercise to get into your body. Some of my clients have had trauma in their bodies that have disconnected them from feeling their whole selves. Moving their bodies helps them reconnect and reclaim their space. 

You can exercise to help with stress. Legally Blonde taught some of us this message. Exercise releases endorphins, endorphins make you happy! While I am not touting that exercise is a replacement for other healthy habits (taking your medication, adequate rest, therapy, etc.), I am saying that exercise can help you reduce stress.Taking a class may be your weekly meet up with friends or a little hour long vacation from your kiddos (I know you love them but you deserve time by yourself).  It is also important to remember that physical movement can put a different kind of stress on the body and it is important to listen to your body.  

Coupling exercise with intentional weight loss is harmful on so many levels. It can keep folks out of fitness settings for fear of being bombarded by weight loss messages. It can make exercise seem unappealing to those in the middle of dropping out of diet culture. But we can change that! By showing up, as clients and instructors, and participating in joyful, mindful movement, we can change the narrative around workouts.


Important Reminder: Make sure you are breathing!


Breaking the Generational Curse of Dieting