The best money tip you could start today FOR free

It's a new month, a new year, and a new decade. I  always feel a sigh of relief at the beginning of the year because I feel like I have permission to wipe the slate clean. 

While there are things that will follow me from the year before ( many emails), I do feel excited to start over today! 

I have goals, resolutions, and intentions for the new year but there is something practical and easy that I am doing right now: LOOKING AT MY BUDGET

Not very sexy, I know. However, knowing what I am doing right now helps me look into the future and set goals. 

Do you want to make more money? You need to know what you're making now

Do you want to save more money? You need to know where you are currently spending.

Want to buy a house? You should totally calculate what the heck you need. 

Checking on your budget can feel icky if you haven't done it in awhile, but it can be done quickly and with enthusiasm for what 2020 has to offer. 

So, my number one tip for money in the new year? Break out the budget, baby! 


Goal Setting for 2020!


How I recover from "bad body image" days!