Women's Health Feature: Making Fitness More Size-Inclusive

Earlier this year, I was lucky enough to be featured in Women’s Health in an article around inclusive fitness.

I did not expect to build a career out of fitness. I started working out in college with no guidance and the idea that I needed to workout to lose weight. I soon realized how beneficial movement was beyond aesthetics. Yes, I felt better physically but for the first time I felt connected to my body.

Becoming a weight neutral trainer was completely obvious to me. I wanted to give people a chance to connect with their bodies free from any weight stigma or weight related goals. I wanted to allow people to build a relationship with their bodies like I have built with mine. Check out the story below for some additional weight neutral inspiration.

Women’s Health Article!

Interested in working out with me?

You can join my membership to become part of my weight neutral training community. You can also join my email list to stay up to date on in person events and online pop ups!


Green Flags: Fitness Edition


Red Flags: Fitness Edition 🚩