Green Flags: Fitness Edition

We did the fitness “red flags” but what about the “green flags”? ✅✅✅⁣

I asked my members and clients what some of their fitness green flags were for online or in person fitness. What are the things that made them feel safe or like they were in the right place? Here are a few of them: ⁣

You can modify if you want to! There should be no qualifiers necessary!


1️⃣ Variations and modifications with no qualifiers! This means, not reserving modifications for folks who are new or injured.

Often instructors will mention if folks are pregnant, injured, or new, they can take a modification. The reality is that everyone, no matter what their experience level is, can take a modification or variation for themselves.

No “excuses” necessary and no questions asked. ⁣


Representation really does matter!


⁣2️⃣ “They look like me” A lot of folks already feel uncomfortable in fitness spaces. But when you pair that with being the only POC or fat person or disabled person or queer can be even more uncomfortable.

Representation in fitness spaces does make a huge difference. A studio that not only HAS diversity but actually embraces it in their marketing (like we wanna see it) is often a great sign.


You’re the expert of your own body!

⁣3️⃣ You know your body the best! Diet culture and toxic fitness culture often tries to take control of your body. There are workouts that encourage you to “push through the pain” and I honestly don’t think that is great advice. You know your body better than the instructor. While instructors are there to help you and keep you safe, they do not get to tell you when something should or should not hurt. It is ok to take things slow OR speed things up.

All that matters is that you are listening to your body and not letting someone pressure you into an injury!⁣

These were a few of our fitness green flags! What are things that make you feel safe and seen in a fitness space? Consider joining my membership! This is a body positive space that allows you to be YOU! There is not toxic diet culture, live and recorded classes, and an amazing community! (This post was edited in March of 2024 to reflect updated links)

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