What to do when your clothes don't fit

Raise your hand if you have ever ridden the clothes and body image roller coaster?

I can’t actually see through the screen if you're raising your hand, but I am going to assume it is a lot of folks.

It goes something like, “I feel fine. I am just gonna change real quick before we leave.” And then ALLLLL the outfits you try putting on don’t feel quite right and you think about not going at all!

Yeah, I have done that. I have actually bailed because I felt like I had nothing to wear. And I was having a moment like that on Tuesday before the flower show. I thought I should wear something cute. I needed to comb my hair. Maybe I should do some light makeup.

Well...ten minutes before my train I was still wearing my workout pants and a sports bra….so that’s what I wore. A few years ago, that would have killed me. I would have been in a bad mood all night. I would have felt like EVERYONE was way more put together than me.

But instead, I enjoyed the beautiful show with my friends. 

So if you are having a day where nothing looks “good”, remind yourself of your true worth. Remind yourself that you are a good friend, partner, parent, or co-worker. Remind yourself that people love your spirit and your smile.

You are more than your body. You are more than your clothes. You are more than your dry skin or your oily skin, or that zit no one else cares about or your unwashed hair. And you are allowed to enjoy life just as you are right now!


Reclaim Joyful Movement!


Important Reminder: Make sure you are breathing!