Reclaim Joyful Movement!

The “no excuses” and “never miss a Monday” type fitness is rooted in shame and guilt NOT health and wellness
— Lauren Leavell

Happy Monday. Let’s chat about the "NEVER MISS A MONDAY" type fitness shit. 

Your body doesn't immediately fall into disrepair if you don't work out on a me 

That is a ton of pressure for just one day of the week. You can work out on a Tuesday morning or a Sunday afternoon and you will be OK! 

"No excuses" makes people feel like they need to work through ANY situation, including a legitimate injury and sickness

“I know you have two broken ankles, but you had a plan to go for a run no excuses!” That sounds really extreme but that is kind of what I hear every time someone says “no excuses”. There are excuses. And more than that, you don’t need a “valid” excuse to not work out. You can truly just wake up and decide YOU DON'T WANT TO. Life goes on!


How can you reframe your thinking around fitness to make these types of statements a thing of the past?

  • Schedule your workouts around your life, not your life around your workouts. Don’t miss your friend’s birthday party because it’s “leg day”

  • Check-in with your body! How are you actually feeling? Are you too tired to have a great workout? Would a nap be better for you than a run? Only you know the answer to this so do not let outside sources make the choice for you

  • Change your workout. If you keep making excuses not to work out, maybe your routine isn’t the best. I know when I am doing something I love, it doesn’t feel as difficult. This is the basis for joyful movement. You do not need to suffer through a workout for the sake of saying you exercised

How are other ways you reclaim joyful movement?


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