Staying Grounded in the New Year

Can we talk about the New Year?

I know this is not a super popular opinion but…I actually like the New Year feelings. I like the permission to “dream big” with plans and goals. But I understand why it is kind of a touchy time when it feels like EVERYTHING is screaming at you to start a diet and workout plan to “change your life”.

I would like to remind you that what you eat and how you move is not the most important thing about you. Changing your life happens in so many areas, the physical is just one. Your resolutions do not need to include 5 AM spin classes and green juices….but they totally can if you would like them to. The truth is, there is nothing bad about doing spin at 5 AM and drinking a green juice (except for the being up and ready to workout before 5 AM but some folks are into that). You can absolutely add some exercise or nutrition intentions to the New Year AND you can maintain your mental health and relationships.

So what are some alternatives to the standard resolutions?


Setting an intention for how I want to feel about a task can help me monitor my habits and feel more connected. Maybe it is a check in before working out, during a workout, and after working out. If I hate the entire thing from start to finish, maybe it is not the workout/ instructor for me. This quick check in with my body helps me name what I am feeling and feel present.The same can be done with work, a hard conversation, an activity etc.


SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-based. I love using SMART goals for work goals, household stuff (not my laundry), and financial goals. I have to give myself a time motivation for laundry otherwise like “I will fold AND put away 2 loads of laundry by 10 PM on Tuesday” And despite what I broadcast on social media, I do not always have a laundry mountain….just most of the time.

When you wake up early in the morning and sit on your bed like.. - Imgur.jpg

Think Small

I recently set an intention around a more regular sleep schedule. By creating a little bit more consistency, it makes it easier to mark off time for movement, meditation, meal prep (I went with M’s here). BUT the only thing I actually focused on was waking up at a certain time. Anything else was secondary. Some mornings I just woke up and sat at the edge of my bed with one eye open. But I still met my small goal.

Fill your feed with good people!

First of all…me! I often share other instructors, dietitians, and overall badasses

For deep dive’s into nerdy nutrition:

For the organized organizer fit pro:

For thoughtful conversations around nutrition:

For HAES aligned healthcare:

For off festive and smart fitness:

For outdoor vibes year round:

2020 has been wild enough. Let’s not start 2021 with unrealistic resolutions that leave us feeling BLAH by February. You are worthy because you are YOU! Happy New Year!

Lauren Leavell