It's ok to stop trying to control or hack your body and just start listening to your body.


It is ok to trust your body!

It's ok to stop trying to control or hack your body and just start listening to your body. 

I think we skip the listening step a lot. 

It goes like: we perceive a problem and we throw every single thing at it. We throw exercise, vitamins, a new diet, a new routine, acupuncture, a standing desk, and shady supplements. 

And that's it. NOW we are going to be better. Now our problem is solved. But what if it's not?

What happens when all the new stuff gets old? Or we figure out that all that fiber makes us bloat up like crazy? Or one of the supplements you added makes you have headaches? Or makes your skin flush and itch? 


or you could stop. You could stay really still. You could slowly test each factor. You can find meals that agree with you and start there. You can find movement that makes you feel good and start there. 

I know from experience, the “throw everything at it and see what works” model is frustrating and expensive. It can happen for a health reason or it can happen as a New Year’s Resolution. Part of that can be desperation and part of it can be marketing. 

As someone who has been diagnosed with PCOS and other hormonal and uterus related issues, the internet is a terrifying web of contradiction. From raw veganism to an all meat diet. From no carbs to high carbs. From ONLY doing HIIT workouts to sticking strictly to walking and yoga. What the fuck am I supposed to do? 

Let’s address the doctor thing. When we tell people to go to the doctor, we assume they have access to healthcare for 1. And 2, we assume that the DOCTOR will know how to help them. I have been to several doctors. They were not helpful. When their solution to my weight gain and stomach pain is to...lose weight, it’s time to move on. When I disclose that I have struggled with an eating disorder and they read my weight and my BMI aloud, it’s a no for me. So the whole process of even seeking help can be pretty traumatizing for people struggling with “less than obvious” issues. 

September is PCOS awareness month. Last month, I went to the doctor and got another ultrasound. I scheduled a time to get my labs done. And that is a huge step for me. I just wanted to remind people that I hear you when you say you hate the doctor. I see you when you fall victim to predatory online diet and exercise trends because you just want some relief.


I am not waiting any longer


I got a mini's why!