F*ck Flattering Friday: Expectations


This week's Fck Flattering Friday is about EXPECTATIONS⁣

Can you allow your expectations to rest for a bit? Where can you allow yourself space to just be who you are? ⁣

I used to be the type of person who would choose NOT to do something because my fear of making mistakes held me back. I worried that I wouldn't live up to the expectations that the world had for me(but really my own internal self) I was consumed with control and making sure that if I did something...it was perfect. And if I couldn’t do it perfectly, it wasn’t worth doing it at all.⁣

So Scott and I went for a run yesterday and I realized pretty early into it that I was NOT doing well or having a good time. My body was super sore and I just felt like...I couldn’t keep going. ⁣

Old me would have pushed myself to the point where I injured something or collapsed. Old me would have been too embarrassed to tell my PARTNER that I wasn't feeling it because I thought I would let him down. ⁣

Current me said, “Hey can we slow down for a bit? I want to keep moving but I don’t want to hurt myself”⁣

And so we slowed down. We finished the whole route we planned, we just didn’t run the whole time. The workout was still absolutely “worth it” and I feel well enough to go out for another run/ walk/ jog today!⁣

If that is how you are living or you can relate, I need to tell you recovering from that mindset is possible. Maybe it’s not just about your workouts. Maybe it’s about EVERYTHING. I still LOVE to do things well. I still LOVE to be good at things. But the expectation of perfection does not need to ruin my time. Yes, I have my moments. I had one yesterday...and today. But a moment of discomfort is so much better than a life not truly lived. ⁣

Happy Friday 🏾⁣ #fckflatteringfriday

Lauren Leavell