Be Anxious and Do It Anyways
The heavens shining down on me for taking risks and doing things my heart desires even when it scares me!
Photographer: Sarah McKay (
I've been anxious all my life. Really! My Grandma used to have to talk me down before school because I was just so anxious. I cried every single morning of the third grade because I transferred to a new school and I felt isolated.
However, my anxiousness has never held me back from taking leaps. I moved across the United States for a boy. I switched majors and universities because I saw it benefit me down the road. I quit a career to follow a passion. I just leap while simultaneously being anxious.
Any class you see me teaching, photoshoots you see me slaying, or trip home or vacation I take, I always have some small (or large) amount of butterflies.
Being anxious doesn't mean you're incapable. You are still capable. Being nervous and being excited can coexist. You can feel the joy and happiness and still feel the nagging nervousness.
I'm here. I'm anxious and excited. I'm ready.