Why I am doing “Live Workouts” even though YouTube Exists!

We are only officially on Day 2 of what is being called a two-week quarantine. There is no guarantee on ANYTHING being different in two weeks.

As someone who teaches 10 in-person classes per week and coaches private clients, it is hard to think of NOT interacting with my people. I am an introvert but, I still love my classes. So when studios officially closed on 3/16 before I even got to say “see you later” to my classes, I knew I would need to find a better way to interact with folks.

Enter: Live Streaming workouts!

I thought it might be too much to ask because an at-home workout is just not the same as group fitness, but the feedback I have received has been amazing. And I think I know why.

It isn't the actual workout, it is the community. People who come to group fitness classes regularly know there is something about group fitness that really gets people going. ✨⁣

⁣It's the friends we make, the music, the direction from the teacher, the accountability to one another when we say we will be there, and the energy. ⁣I know that some of that energy will be hard to replicate at home, but we can still be there for one another. ⁣We can still feel the music, complete the moves, and virtual high five at the end.

It would be easier for me to pre-record one class for each modality I teach and be done with it. You could rent them or buy a membership, and I can sit at home and zone out in front of the TV. But I love my job! I love connecting with people, even if it is virtually. And I feel like, in the age with all this amazing technology, we should use everything we can to stay connected.

Hope to see you “LIVE” in class. Click here if you want to check out the schedule. New classes will be added as needed!


What you really need for your home workouts!


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